Alexandria: Please speak up for bikeshare

Our Community Forums Alexandria Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) Alexandria: Please speak up for bikeshare

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  • #916553

    Through federal and other grants, Alexandria has available nearly one million in capital funds for up to 15 new Capital Bikeshare (CaBi) stations, but the 2015-16 proposed budget does not allow that money to be spent. Why? Because the budget does not include money to operate any more stations. The savings? About $150,000. That’s a big number for a household budget but a very small fraction of the city budget.

    The budget:

    The bottom line: We can’t get the new CaBi stations without operating funds and City Council might not act without a public outcry from citizens who want cost-effective transit. An “outcry” will give City Council political cover to do the right thing. Most of them already want to do this. Let’s help them.

    *** The Stations ***
    To see the current stations system (red square symbols) and possible future stations (green symbols with numbers), visit
    (dismiss the login screen and scroll down to find Alexandria on the map).

    Based on this map, likely new station locations are in Arlandria, Potomac Yard, Del Ray, North and South Old Town and Carlyle.

    *** Requested Action ***
    Please contact the Mayor and City Council and ask them to add Capital Bikeshare operating funds to the budget to support more stations.

    A personal statement about how CaBi does or will make your life faster and easier helps, but please keep messages brief. The DC-area CaBi system moves thousands of people each day, just like a bus system, but with much smaller operating and capital expenses. Please speak up for CaBi.

    PS. Please copy this to friends and supporters of Capital bikeshare. Please act by March 20.


    Comment submitted to the City site.


    Is this purely a budget issue? If they approve the funds, does Alta/Bixi or whomever they are now have the docks/bikes to install?

    Also, when is the next BPAC meeting?



    In response to your questions:
    – The Capital Bike Share issue in Alexandria is purely a budget issue for operating funds. Alexandria has grants for the purchase and installation of 16 new stations with bikes and the supply chain issues from last year have been resolved. We aer asking our City Council to allocate funds to subsidize CaBi the operations at an estimnated cost of in Alexandria of about $10,000 per station.
    – The next Alexandria BPAC meeting is Monday, March 16th at 7 PM at the Durant Center, 1605 Cameron Street, Alexandria, VA. Good line-up of topics; we hope to see you there.


    A timely request. I was annoyed that the area where I was volunteering on Sunday in Alexandria lacked a nearby station – Monticello Park. By the time I walked from Monticello Park to Delray for my post-ivy pulling girl scout cookies, the girls were packing up. Imagine the dollars that would have stayed in Delray had I gotten there faster. I have submitted my request for whatever good it does.

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