This year’s Air Force Classic Kid’s Race that will take place in Clarendon on June 7th at 11:30am has partnered with a charity tied to a cyclist and a very close friend of mine-
Earlier this year, Gordon and Michelle Klancnik, lost their young son Ethan to Tay-Sachs, a rare genetic disorder. In his honor, and to spread the word about the prevention of this and other rare diseases, the Klancniks set up a 501(c) not for profit called the Tay-Sachs Awareness and Prevention Organization (TSAPO)- (Carolyn Sewell even helped them with the logo.) Michelle and Gordon have asked me to reach out to the community to try and drum up more support for the kids race, perhaps sell some t-shirts and hopefully find a few additional volunteers to help man tables, register kids for the race and hand out medals at the end. Beyond the benefit to TSAPO the race is super fun for the kids (I’ll have one on a Scuut and one on a 16″ bike in it) so come out and check it out!
Feel free to PM me or reach out to the Klancniks directly if you can help!
Kevin (Guy)
A beautiful photoblog of Ethan’s story: