A Tad Disappointed

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  • #918708

    So I dig the PAL effort and volunteers but have to relate that i was a bit bummed last night on my evening commute home up the Custis when I got buzzed by a PAL just as I was approaching the bottom of the Lyon Village corkscrew. No lights, no bell, no pass call, now hello, and right off my elbow. That’s not ambasador behavior… and I found it extra ironic given that it was my first time riding Rosslyn to Westover on the trail in a long time… and despite my rather sad level of speed and fitness I was still wishing people well as they called passes or passed someone else.

    Every person met is an opportunity to spread the bike love.


    Tim Kelley

    @JorgeGortex 147656 wrote:

    So I dig the PAL effort and volunteers but have to relate that i was a bit bummed last night on my evening commute home up the Custis when I got buzzed by a PAL just as I was approaching the bottom of the Lyon Village corkscrew. No lights, no bell, no pass call, now hello, and right off my elbow. That’s not ambasador behavior… and I found it extra ironic given that it was my first time riding Rosslyn to Westover on the trail in a long time… and despite my rather sad level of speed and fitness I was still wishing people well as they called passes or passed someone else.

    Every person met is an opportunity to spread the bike love.


    Thanks–can you tell us more? How did you know they were a PAL ambassador? Wearing a reflective vest? Pulling a trailer? Male/female?


    @Tim Kelley 147770 wrote:

    Thanks–can you tell us more? How did you know they were a PAL ambassador? Wearing a reflective vest? Pulling a trailer? Male/female?

    Hi Tim. I knew they were a PAL because they were wearing a bright yellow PAL vest, which first I was excited to see, but then had my secondary reaction. He was, I believe, an older man, glasses, on a road bike equipped for commuting. He wasn’t outwardly rude, but given the light level, location, number of riders on the trail, etc. it was disappointing. Luckily no one was coming the other way either.

    Tim Kelley

    @JorgeGortex 147787 wrote:

    I knew they were a PAL because they were wearing a bright yellow PAL vest


    Hmm–the bright yellow vests say BikeArlington and we’ve given out several thousand of those already. Are you sure it wasn’t orange with the PAL logo? We haven’t given out quite so many of those, but they have gotten a reach beyond the initial 150 volunteers on the list so it might be hard to track down who it was. That being said we’ll ask our PAL Ambassador to reminds folks who are PAL volunteers to be good role models.

    Jorge, have you joined the group? https://www.facebook.com/groups/1524506764490426/


    @Tim Kelley 147795 wrote:


    Hmm–the bright yellow vests say BikeArlington and we’ve given out several thousand of those already. Are you sure it wasn’t orange with the PAL logo? We haven’t given out quite so many of those, but they have gotten a reach beyond the initial 150 volunteers on the list so it might be hard to track down who it was. That being said we’ll ask our PAL Ambassador to reminds folks who are PAL volunteers to be good role models.

    Jorge, have you joined the group? https://www.facebook.com/groups/1524506764490426/

    I got my PAL vest at a Arlington bike light giveaway. While I try always to be PAL, when I don this vest, I feel it is incumbent on me to be a PAL. I purposefully have worn it around Alexandria City officials and staff, while pushing for a PAL program in Alexandria. I hope that they will see the light and join Arlington in working to be a PAL.




    Tim, it’s the PAL logo that caught my attention, followed by the bright yellow. That said… I was huffing along and trying to watch out for the friend ahead of me who was on a cabi and not used to riding the haul out of Rosslyn, so maybe I misinterpreted something. I am sure the individual meant no harm, and I don’t want to make more of a fuss than I have. I was just sort of bummed and wanted to share. I have no doubt the person in question does infinte more good on a bike daily, than I have in the last six months. Again, maybe this is just a good reminder for people to keep aware that their actions do get interpreted by others one way or the other.

    Ride on friends.


    ps- I just joined the group, thanks!


    @JorgeGortex 147855 wrote:

    Tim, it’s the PAL logo that caught my attention

    Arlington slaps that logo onto everything!

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