2025 Pointless Prize: Baby on Board #BoB

Our Community Forums Freezing Saddles Winter Riding Competition 2025 Pointless Prize: Baby on Board #BoB

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    Time for a new pointless prize this year.  Anyone looking for another round of a past pointless prize I ran is welcome to host it themselves.

    What is the 2025 Baby on Board game?  How will it work?  

    The quick summary:

    • Snap a photo of a “baby on board” sign/sticker on a car
    • On your Strava ride post: (1) include #BoB in your ride title (2) include the photo
    • Only one BoB photo/point per ride
    • You can only claim a given BoB design/style once
    • Winner is the one with the most #BoB rides (prize TBD…I’ll post later….probably along the lines of my past prizes)
    • Share your photos (if you want to), see what others find, & examples from me to get you started here >> https://photos.app.goo.gl/TxpnwGPYoa2e8qp7A

    More Details 

    What the heck?  Please explain a little more:

    Remember the ubiquitous yellow caution sign “Baby of Board” signs of the 1980s?  Well, this year, snap a photo each time to see a unique design/style of one during a ride, share it on your Strava ride and hashtag your Strava ride title with #BoB.  I’ll let the website keep track of the most #BoB rides, and then I’ll verify the winner by viewing their Strava photos to make sure they were all unique versions.

    What counts as a unique design, BoB sign (in general) and other details:

    • It needs to follow the “XXXX on Board” naming convention (*** limited exceptions if other words but it still fits the spirit.  For example “Baby in Car” would count; and the one I shared in the album that parody’s the “Intel Inside” logo with “Baby Inside”)
    • It can say something other than “baby” on board (e.g. kids, princess, twins, etc.)
    • You can claim more than one “baby on board” if the signs are of different design (e.g. one is the traditional text-only caution sign and another is a graphic of a baby bottle also saying “baby on board”)
    • It can be a sign or sticker
    • It must be on a car/vehicle
    • I’ll add more details/rules/clarifications as needed

    What inspired this?

    I recently moved to Greece, and have been surprised how many I’ve seen on the road here.  Hopefully they are less common in the states and nobody will find one each day 🙂

     Can I share my photo finds here or elsewhere with others?  YES!

    • You don’t need to post here, but you are welcome to share in this thread
    • You can add to a Google Photo Album I created too –> https://photos.app.goo.gl/TxpnwGPYoa2e8qp7A
    • The album has examples on what I’ve found in Greece this Fall

    Let me know any additional questions & happy hunting!!!!  -Kris


    Sadly, I decided to take a break this year (I was actually away in FL and I saw they already had their limit when I got back).
    I love this idea (and the pictures you shared).  Even though I won’t be playing, I will keep my eye open.
    I had a few ideas for games this year, but I guess it will have to wait until next year.


    AlanA, you can still play along and run a reindeer game as a BAFS. It won’t be the same without you somewhere in the mix!




    BigRedBoiler – what an interesting concept. You’re right – they are everywhere but we tend to just let them fade into the landscape. Now I’ll be paying more attention! Thanks!


    @alana, if you want to play, you should go ahead and register. Although we already have more than 250 registered, we always need extras:

    • To make up for people who don’t join their team’s Strava club once they are assigned to a team.
    • To replace people who get injured during the game.

    Last year, we started out with 269 registrants. We ended up placing everyone who actually showed up and rode onto a team, and even ran out of people to substitute for those who were injured.   We are at 268 registrants right now, so it’s worth going ahead and registering if you want to be on a team.

    Also, you don’t have to be on a team to sponsor a prize.  And you can join in any of the Pointless Prizes as a “Friend,” unless the rules for that prize specifically say to the contrary.


    Hipster baby.

    Fiona Grant

    Good one! Syrprised I haven’t seen any yet…

    Jack Goodman-Cheng

    Found a good one today

    Sophie CW

    I saw this same sign today too but wasn’t sure if it counted since I already saw the traditional yellow b-o-b sign.


    Love the “no baby on board” version!

    CW, yes, the sign counts for you since it’s the first time you are claiming the “no baby on board”.  Each person can claim any given design/version once.



    Classic design

    Alison M

    This car was very demure, very cutesy, with its silly goose on board 


    Thanks for getting this one started! Have started noticing these signs more now… (though not always when on my bicycle…)



    Just seeing this and I’m in. Will start looking tomorrow…Thanks for sponsoring.


    This was 1 of 3 on this car – it also had the baby with sunglasses posted earlier, and a cute Baby in Car sticker too.


    Purple rain BoB.

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