ELF pedal electric car on W&OD

Our Community Forums General Discussion ELF pedal electric car on W&OD

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    While Solar Bike Car is correct, some laws do make it seem like it is OK for him to be on the WOD, others do not. Do not ever expect logic, consistencey or lack of contradictions in the law.

    Regardless, I FEEL using an ELF on the WOD, Mt Vernon or C&O trail is just wrong.

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    Tim Kelley

    @cvcalhoun 149035 wrote:

    I don’t think a training program is going to help. Starting in elementary school, I was picked last for every sports team, ever. This was particularly embarrassing because the guy picked just ahead of me had never quite recovered from polio.

    As mentioned above, there are genetic issues plus a slow bike. And as optimistic as this guy wants to be about fitness over 50, there are inherent limitations. After all, you don’t see people in pro sports, who get the best training possible, still doing it at my age.

    If you ever need motivation, just remember that any size pizza is a personal pizza if you believe in yourself!


    @Tim Kelley 149051 wrote:

    If you ever need motivation, just remember that any size pizza is a personal pizza if you believe in yourself!


    Life Goals…


    @Sunyata 149064 wrote:


    Life Goals…

    They need a life-size one of these: https://www.amazon.com/Pizza-Cutter-Bicycle-Black-Yellow/dp/B00JE926PU

    It would be awesome to ride across, just don’t fall over!


    In 24 months I’ve logged in excess of 10,000 miles by commuting 30 miles each day 3.5 days a week from Sterling to Tysons in an ELF. Fortunately I met my goal without injury or incident and consuming roughly the same amount of time as commuting by car in rush hour traffic.

    Twice I’ve crossed the river and each time it was a metric century effort. (Yes the ELF fits through the Memorial Bridge tunnel!)

    This experiment worked so well I plan to continue to combine exercise with commuting.

    Fair warning: I’m building my own pedaling contraption which when it debuts on the W&OD is sure to horrify some and amuse others because it won’t look like a bicycle or a car (or a pizza cutter).

    Harry Meatmotor


    Rod Smith

    10,000 miles in two years? Dang! What is the Memorial Bridge tunnel? Congrats on the metric century efforts.


    Did Solar car guy move to Idaho and join the Air Guard?

    Idaho Guard uses electric bike at Gowen Field


    @SolarBikeCar 161301 wrote:

    In 24 months I’ve logged in excess of 10,000 miles by commuting 30 miles each day 3.5 days a week from Sterling to Tysons in an ELF. Fortunately I met my goal without injury or incident and consuming roughly the same amount of time as commuting by car in rush hour traffic.

    Twice I’ve crossed the river and each time it was a metric century effort. (Yes the ELF fits through the Memorial Bridge tunnel!)

    This experiment worked so well I plan to continue to combine exercise with commuting.

    Fair warning: I’m building my own pedaling contraption which when it debuts on the W&OD is sure to horrify some and amuse others because it won’t look like a bicycle or a car (or a pizza cutter).

    So what was the pedaling contraption? I have not seen the ELF in years. Maybe SolarBikeCar has retired to IDAHO!


    AFHokie, your link is broken, here is the article:


    @SarahBee 202298 wrote:

    So what was the pedaling contraption? I have not seen the ELF in years. Maybe SolarBikeCar has retired to IDAHO!

    He is still in the DC area per his post here.


    Looks like Organic Transit, the maker of the ELF is in Chapter 7 bankruptcy and is looking for a buyer. https://www.organictransitassetsale.com

    Looks like the base model runs about $9k, which is a pretty touch price point for a consumer market. The article about how the Idaho National Guard was using it was really interesting and leaves me wondering if the company should have marketed it more towards the golf cart community type market and to municipalities for things like parking enforcement officers.


    @Judd 202311 wrote:

    Looks like Organic Transit, the maker of the ELF is in Chapter 7 bankruptcy and is looking for a buyer.

    Not to worry, there’s still the PEBL.


    Since we have newbies, welcome to one of our weirdest threads.

    A few things have changed –

    1. about a quarter of electricity in Va is renewable, and most of the rest is nuclear or natural gas. Electric is clearly much better than gasoline at this point

    2. There are a LOT of ebikes all over – a game changer

    3. Va has, IIUC, adopted the California 3 class system. This means a vehicle able to get assist at over 27 MPH is not a bike.

    4. De facto, ebikes are on all trails. (Can someone remind me if there are still de jure rules banning class 3s on the trail that allow ebikes?)

    5. Lithium is getting scarce and is a big issue – but its pretty settled I think, that ebikes use a LOT less lithium than E cars, etc

    6. We have a lot more non trail bike infra than we did in 2015, though perhaps still not a great route from Sterling

    7. I can’t recall seeing an ELF or anything similar in the years since. If its still a thing it hasnt taken off like all those ebikes, has it?

    8. We no longer have a shortage of aggregate demand! (thanks Joe Biden!) So the whole mercantilist trade thing is different? China has had its ups and downs, to say the least

    9. I have become a whole hearted fan of lycra, though I still find many uses for khaki pants.


    @lordofthemark 226328 wrote:

    7. I can’t recall seeing an ELF or anything similar in the years since. If its still a thing it hasnt taken off like all those ebikes, has it?

    There are apparently still PEBLs. And they are not explicitly banned from Freezing Saddles. But I suspect that if we had someone obnoxiously driving right down the middle of the trail on one–and vociferously defending his right to do so–they would be.

    One more illustration that you can tell a lot about the history of an organization by what gets banned. Or as someone once put it, “If an organization has a rule that you may not leave a meeting in the middle and return with goat hairs around your fly, you have a fair idea of what meetings have been like in the past.”


    @cvcalhoun 226331 wrote:

    There are apparently still PEBLs. And they are not explicitly banned from Freezing Saddles. But I suspect that if we had someone obnoxiously driving right down the middle of the trail on one–and vociferously defending his right to do so–they would be.

    One more illustration that you can tell a lot about the history of an organization by what gets banned. Or as someone once put it, “If an organization has a rule that you may not leave a meeting in the middle and return with goat hairs around your fly, you have a fair idea of what meetings have been like in the past.”

    By extension, what sort of organisation was the person using that example part of :rolleyes::eek:

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