@cvcalhoun 226883 wrote:
Um, what did you do to your clavicle????
So you shouldn’t ride too fast on wet pavement right? Maybe especially not if your tires aren’t exactly new, right?
Went down on my left side. Nasty scrapes on knee and elbow, sharp pain in shoulder. Bike was rideable, kind of, rode it home.
Orthopedist says broken clavicle, not displaced, no surgery needed. Gave me a sling, said “stay off the bike for 6 weeks” I need to check the portal to see when Im supposed to start arm exercises. Pain comes and goes, depending on time of day and arm position, gradually getting less.
But it’s now been over 2 weeks of full time telework instead of 2 to 3 days a week bike commuting – and I am exploring the world of fitness center stationary bikes (ewww) and long walks.
I had already planned on being a friend of BAFS instead of participating. Mostly to let new people have the slots, Ive done BAFS every year since 2015. But I WAS hoping to do a lot of group rides and focus (as I do each year) on at least one pointless prize. Still looking forward to HH, and then to getting back on the bike.